

CAVIAR Sea urchin Parmigiano


Tenryu Ayu Frites

Ishikawa Prefecture “ANGATO” Farm Salad


Firefly Squid & Sweet Shrimp Tartlet


Trilogy Foie Gras

Garden Apricot


Langoustine's Poiret  Bisque Ecume Sauce


French White Asparagus

"Wolf Peach" Tomato


Sweat Sea Bream     The 200g World

beurre blanc sauce


Roasted lamb from Ireland

flower pepper and wild vegetables,Shiitake


Tochigi Strawberry "Tochiaika" and mint


~Gâteau Entremets~

Yawatahama Blood Orange

Green tea “Matcha” Mousse


"Langley Langiliot Farm" Darjeeling Tea